Reimagined Portrait Art – I lived abroad for 10 years of my life. In all those years, I never quit being home sick for my prairie sky! Those wide open spaces and that incredible sky without it’s view impeded by trees, mountains or skyscrapers called to me.

Once I moved home, I would head home from evening sessions and be mesmerized by the amazing storms, clouds or sunsets. Once I got a cell phone with a camera, I seldom ever stopped to pull my “big camera” out to photograph these skies.
I then learned new photography apps and even how to edit my images on my phone and I would post them on my personal facebook page. This work is different than my client work as for me, it’s my escape. It’s not perfect at all, sometimes it is from a moving vehicle, sometimes there are power lines in the photographs (gasp – I always remove those in portraits), and lots of time my shadow is in the photograph too.

Finally, I got brave and signed up for an instragram account. The only images I post on this account are taken by my cell phone and edited on my cell phone! I have had requests for prints of these images and while it surprised me at first, I am able to blow these up on large canvas wall portraits! I now even have a few of my personal favorites on my wall!
Please note – when I left Dragon Hare, I had to stop using my Dragon Hare instagram account as well and I have not been successful in getting the two accounts merged! Please bear with me!
Follow along at @reimaginedportraitart